CO2 Fractional Laser

What is CO2 Fractional Laser and how does it work?

The CO2 Fractional Laser machine is a revolutionary dermatological treatment that combines the efficacy of traditional carbon dioxide lasers with the benefits of fractional technology. This advanced laser treatment is designed to address a variety of skin concerns, including fine lines, wrinkles, acne scars, and pigmentation issues. By creating microscopic columns of thermal damage, the CO2 Fractional Laser promotes natural skin healing and collagen production, leading to significant improvements in skin texture and appearance.

How does CO2 Fractional Laser work?

The CO2 Fractional Laser operates by emitting a concentrated beam of carbon dioxide laser energy into the skin. Unlike traditional CO2 lasers that treat the entire surface area, the CO2 Fractional Laser delivers energy in a fractionated manner, creating thousands of tiny, deep columns of thermal damage while leaving surrounding tissue intact. These microscopic zones of treated skin, known as microthermal zones, stimulate the body's natural healing process, leading to the production of new collagen and elastin fibres. This results in smoother, firmer, and more youthful-looking skin.

Pure Tone Aesthetics | CO2 Fractional Laser

Features of CO2 Fractional Laser 

Precision and Control

One of the key features of the CO2 Fractional Laser is its ability to deliver precise, controlled energy. The laser can be adjusted to target different depths within the skin, making it suitable for treating a variety of conditions from superficial pigmentation to deep wrinkles and scars. The fractional delivery method ensures minimal damage to surrounding tissues, reducing the risk of complications and promoting faster healing.

Customisable Treatment Parameters

The CO2 Fractional Laser offers customisable treatment settings, allowing practitioners to tailor the procedure to the specific needs of each patient. Parameters such as energy level, pulse duration, and treatment density can be adjusted to optimise results for different skin types and concerns. This flexibility ensures that each treatment is both effective and safe.

Enhanced Safety Profile

The fractional nature of the CO2 Fractional Laser enhances its safety profile compared to traditional CO2 lasers. By treating only a fraction of the skin at a time, the risk of adverse effects such as prolonged erythema, infection, and hyperpigmentation is significantly reduced. Additionally, the intact skin surrounding the treated microthermal zones facilitates rapid healing and recovery.

Benefits of CO2 Fractional Laser Treatment

Improvement in Skin Texture and Tone

Patients who undergo CO2 Fractional Laser treatment can expect a noticeable improvement in skin texture and tone. The laser effectively reduces the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and acne scars, resulting in a smoother and more even complexion. The stimulation of collagen production further enhances the skin's firmness and elasticity.

Reduction of Pigmentation Irregularities

CO2 Fractional Laser is highly effective in addressing pigmentation issues such as sunspots, age spots, and melasma. The laser energy breaks down excess melanin in the skin, leading to a more uniform skin tone. Patients often report a significant reduction in hyperpigmentation after a series of treatments.

Minimised Downtime

One of the major advantages of the CO2 Fractional Laser is the reduced downtime compared to traditional CO2 laser treatments. While patients may experience some redness, swelling, and peeling in the days following the procedure, these side effects are generally mild and resolve quickly. Most individuals can return to their normal activities within a week.

Patient Expectations and Experience

Consultation and Customisation

Prior to undergoing CO2 Fractional Laser treatment, patients will have a consultation with a qualified specialist. During this consultation, the patient's skin type, concerns, and medical history will be assessed to determine the most appropriate treatment plan. The practitioner will explain the procedure, potential risks, and expected outcomes.

Pure Tone Aesthetics | CO2 Fractional Laser

What happens during a CO2 Fractional Laser procedure?

On the day of the procedure, a topical anaesthetic may be applied to the treatment area to minimise discomfort. The CO2 Fractional Laser treatment typically takes 30 to 60 minutes, depending on the size and number of areas being treated. Patients may feel a warm sensation and slight discomfort as the laser is applied, but this is generally well-tolerated.

Post-Treatment Care

After the CO2 Fractional Laser treatment, patients will receive detailed post-care instructions. It is important to keep the treated area clean and moisturised, avoid sun exposure, and use a high SPF recovery and regeneration sunscreen like our S7 Recovery Cream to protect the healing skin. Some redness and swelling are expected, but these symptoms usually subside within a few days. Peeling and flaking may occur as the skin regenerates, revealing fresh, new skin underneath.

CO2 Fractional Laser treatments for the face

  • Wrinkle Reduction
    Targets fine lines and deep wrinkles around the eyes, mouth, and forehead.
  • Acne Scar Treatment
    Reduces the appearance of acne scars by promoting collagen remodeling.
  • Pigmentation Correction
    Treats age spots, sunspots, and melasma for a more even skin tone.
  • Skin Resurfacing
    Improves overall skin texture and tone by removing damaged outer layers.
  • Pore Size Reduction
    Minimises the appearance of enlarged pores.
  • Facial Rejuvenation
    Enhances skin firmness and elasticity, resulting in a youthful glow.
  • Scar Reduction
    Treats surgical scars, trauma scars, and other facial scars.
  • Stretch Mark Treatment
    Reduces the appearance of stretch marks on the face.

CO2 Fractional Laser treatments for the neck

  • Skin Tightening
    Firms and tightens loose or sagging skin on the neck.
  • Wrinkle Reduction
    Diminishes fine lines and wrinkles, particularly horizontal neck lines.
  • Pigmentation Correction
    Addresses hyperpigmentation and sun damage on the neck.
  • Skin Resurfacing
    Improves skin texture and tone, giving the neck a smoother appearance.
  • Scar Reduction
    Treats scars resulting from surgery or trauma on the neck.
  • Stretch Mark Treatment
    Reduces the visibility of stretch marks on the neck.

CO2 Fractional Laser treatments for the body

  • Stretch Mark Reduction
    Minimises stretch marks on the abdomen, thighs, arms, and other areas.
  • Scar Treatment
    Treats scars from surgery, injuries, or acne on various body parts.
  • Skin Tightening
    Firms and tightens loose skin on the abdomen, thighs, arms, and other areas.
  • Pigmentation Correction
    Reduces sunspots, age spots, and other pigmentation issues on the body.
  • Wrinkle Reduction
    Diminishes the appearance of wrinkles on the chest, hands, and other areas.
  • Skin Resurfacing
    Improves overall skin texture and tone on the body.
  • Acne Scar Treatment
    Reduces the appearance of body acne scars, particularly on the back and chest.
  • Hyperkeratosis Treatment
    Addresses thickened areas of skin, such as those on the elbows and knees.

These treatments are designed to address a variety of skin concerns, leveraging the CO2 Fractional Laser's ability to promote natural healing and collagen production for enhanced skin quality and appearance.

What are the long-term results of a CO2 Fractional Laser treatment?

Patients can expect to see gradual improvements in their skin over the weeks and months following CO2 Fractional Laser treatment. The production of new collagen continues to enhance the skin's appearance for up to six months post-treatment. Depending on the severity of the skin concerns, multiple sessions may be recommended to achieve optimal results.

The CO2 Fractional Laser represents a significant advancement in dermatological treatments, offering precise, effective, and safe solutions for a range of skin issues. Its ability to stimulate natural healing and collagen production results in noticeable improvements in skin texture, tone, and overall appearance with minimal downtime. Patients considering CO2 Fractional Laser treatment can look forward to rejuvenated skin and a more youthful complexion, making it a valuable option in the field of aesthetic medicine.

Learn more about the Pure Tone Aesthetics Hestia CO2 Fractional Laser machine here

Interested in getting CO2 Fractional Laser for your clinic? Call 0330 102 5578 for more details or message us via the Contact us page